I just think that this is a healthy way to view the world. This doesn't depress me or anything. It's about being realistic about human nature and self-preservation. If you recognize it, you'll actually feel much better about the world, know how to avoid the obstacles, because I strongly believe that perfection is just a myth and it doesn’t exist. But then again it’s just me and my thoughts.
However I would seriously want you to think about it once and take it into consideration.
The primary motivation of most people is to forward their own interests, in other words, everyone is in some way or the other selfish. So am I. Anytime anyone does something, you have to ask yourself "What are they getting out of this, what is their motivation" Most of the time, it doesn't matter, because it's about trivial nonsense. But when it comes to mixing relationships with friendship, work, love, that's when you have to worry. Does this person have a hidden agenda? Why are they calling me out of the blue like that, they never seemed to care?

So, what I am saying is that you cannot trust anybody 100%, and you can’t any expect anyone to be perfect. And there is nothing wrong with that, because human beings are imperfect by nature. You can't expect perfection from strangers, friends, lovers, and family. With that being said, it doesn't mean that I am in any way trying to imply that we shouldn't love people around us.
Nobody is perfect and no one deserves
to be perfect. The truth is no one has it easy, everybody has issues and
everyone has a different story to tell. You would never know what the others
are going through. So, pause before you start judging, criticizing or mocking
others. Everyone is fighting their own unique war, and whatever they say or do, it has
a reason.
So if you in some way think that you are not perfect, i guess you don’t need to worry about it too
much. You are not alone. No one is perfect.
i strongly agree with you on this!!! SElfexprienc lol