Sunday, 7 February 2016

HAPPINESS: It's made of small things

Happiness, the one word that everyone expects to have in their lives, however is elusive to almost everyone. Why??? Is it because we expect it to come from some big things? Things like buying a new car, getting expensive gifts, buying a house or things like that. While looking at all these we forget most of the time, to look at the small things that could make us happy. Life is made up of little things, and enjoying them for their worth is actually gonna make our lives a lot happier than achieving big things, for one reason that big things only happens once in a while and these small things are just around the corner.
Now for instance, you have a dream of buying a big house and buying that would make you the happiest. Think what would you gain form it? Being in a huge house would surely be comforting. Now look at your present self. Do you have a room to sleep, a bed to get you comfortable at night and nice food on your table? If you have all that then let me assure you that you have half of the things you have already wished for. And to top all that if you have people who love you for who you are then, I think your world is closest to being perfect.
Another way to create those happy moments is to give. Giving of our abundance increases our feelings of happiness in the little things. Happiness is largely a matter of being thankful. Sharing with someone in need helps us to feel more thankful for the things we have. When was the last time you counted your blessings? Make a list of things that are a blessing to you. Do you live on a good road and have a car that runs? Do you have running water and electricity? Many others around the world do not have these simple amenities.

Being happy and content with the small pleasures in life requires us to slow down and take a little time to enjoy them. Do you have a pet? Slow down enough to sit with your animal friend and show it a bit of affection. Play ball with your dog or wiggle a string in front of your cat. And don't forget to have fun with the kids, too. Playing a simple board game can make the house ring with laughter.

If your life is about reaching for goals, where everything is always onward and upward, you will probably accomplish much. But if you don't take time to enjoy a meal with your spouse or breathe in the fresh morning air, you will be missing out on much that makes life worth living. In many ways, happiness depends on our attitudes toward the little things. Appreciate that warm hug, that cuddly blanket, and that efficient appliance, and you will find your life one characterized by happiness. Always remember while work and goals are important, it is also very important to have time for people you love, for things you love and most of all, for yourself. While you focus on your career it is also important to have those crazy moments with friends and family, because you might not remember what you studied but you will always remember all this. Life is made up of these little things, like memories, smiles and tears that you’ve shared with near and dear ones. Never miss them and never miss out on life. Because after you have achieved all that goals and have had a successful career, look back and see how have you lived, and if that makes you smile with a sense of contentment that you have lived a good life, then I think you have actually.

It is much better to do things now than regret later for not doing it. life is all about looking for happiness and you can find it once you realize the meaning and value of those small things, like the glitter on your lovers eyes, the excitement of your pet when it sees you, or the laughter of your kid, the look on your parents eyes when they see you being happy and most of all the sense of pride when you look at yourself in the mirror. These are what happiness is made of, and once you’ve achieved it, no one can take it away from you. And always remember you are responsible for your own happiness, and it is you who decides where to find it, start looking for it and keep it with you.