Saturday, 10 November 2012


Okay as I told you, I am leaving Delhi. My home for past 23 years, the place where I learnt everything. From my first day at school, the first step towards being a good boy to drinking  smoking(Oh well, it was smoking pots rather than cigarettes) and  everything bad(well, at least in people's dictionaries). Oh yeah, I learnt few good things as well. And the best thing that I learnt while growing up in Delhi was to realize when to say "YES" and when to say "NO". Here I am talking about my decision to say "NO" to the life I lived while growing up. It was hard, and honestly, a lot harder than most of you can probably imagine. When I decided to finally say no, I knew that I would lose many friends and a lot of them would not talk to me anymore. That's the price you pay when you decide to go in a different way than the rest, I paid it too. Lost a lot of friends, well I can say lost all of them.
That's not what I came to talk about here. Well it's been almost a week since I have reached Ahmedabad. The place is nice, people are good, and in every way it looks like Delhi. But there is only one problem. It is not Delhi.
Again, reaching here alone was not easy, strange land for me but even harder was to leave Delhi. Rewinding about a week, because that's what I came here to tell you about.
I got a job in a bank, happy and proud moment for me to say the least, but it came with a small price. I will need to leave Delhi and report at Ahmedabad. Not even sure if I am going to be posted there or not, but as of now the worst part, leaving Delhi.
A lot of people have gone through this and I am not sure how they cope with it, but I guess I am just a bit too fragile for a guy. To me, it's one of the hardest thing. the closer the day gets the worse it becomes. But I knew I had to do it anyway, so kinda preparing myself for that as well. But no matter how much I tell myself that I will not be alone, the sadness just doesn't seem to leave me. It's hard I tell you.
Just a day left for me now. And all my friends, yeah I have a lot now, mainly because of the football team. Before I get on to anything just let me tell you about that, honestly, I am itching to write about that.
This team, just started as a one tournament thing, but once we started playing, everyone kinda started to bond. And in just a span of few years, we are nothing less than a family. This is one of the best thing that has happened to me, and I am not kidding you.
Not just that we share the same love for football, we all are born and brought up in Delhi. That's a bond that binds us together more than anything. I am not sure if you'd understand about that. I am gonna tell you about that sometime soon. Maybe after I have joined my new work place.
So, as it happened, them people organized a farewell for me. Kind of a formal dinner. Now, dinners and stuff don't look a big thing these days. However, what pleased me the most was that, not only they planned it for me, them people were dead broke to even buy a candy. Them people however, pooled in the money, got enough and organized everything.
So, I was supposed to talk about something or at least say thanks to everyone. So I did. But it wasn't as easy as it looked. I stood up and spoke, with a bout of tears preparing to gush out of my eyes. Did my best not to show but everyone kinda knew what I was going through. Because my friggin voice would just not stop shaking.
Somehow managed to get through the thank you note, put on a smile and had dinner. 
Fast forward to the next day now.
So, the time is here. I am finally leaving. To my surprise, almost all of the football team guys volunteered to drop me. However shortage of space in the car meant that only few of them can come. So they came. Stunned silence in the car, with a bit of uncomfortable smiles around and few uneasy talks. I however knew no one felt like talking. Honestly, I never knew that I touched so many lives, all the while I thought that I was rather despicable, these people however have helped me change that perception a bit. I owe them a big time.
at the station now. Did i tell you that I love trains. I always preferred trains to flights. It's short journey so yeah, train it is for me. Took some pics, for memory and finally the train is ready to leave. Time to say the final goodbye, once again.
I asked everyone not to laugh if in any way I get a bit emotional, which I was sure I would. Little did I know though that everyone was just as much emotional as I was. We hugged and I could see everyone had a tear or two to shed and so did we. No hesitation, no holds barred, just plain emotions.
Back in the train, heavy heart, crying incessantly and everyone around me looking at me like I am a kid and trying to comfort me. Embarrassing. I however just couldn't help it. So, finally I know the pain of leaving home and trust me, it is one of the hardest thing to deal with. If you are able to manage it with a smile, the massive respect for you.
That's it from me now, I hope you've had enough of it. Yeah I am gonna write more about it in due time. As of now however, it's all that I have to write or should I say, it's all I can write without shedding few tears. 
I will be seeing you very soon. Till then take really good care and stay safe and strong.


P.S.- I MISS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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