Saturday, 4 August 2012

HONESTY!!!!! Just A Thought Perhaps....

Okay, so let me start from where we left off the other day. We were talking about my inability to trust people, this time however it's going to be a bit different from what I had written then. Today I am not going to talk about trust or anything of that sort, neither am I going to talk about disappointments. It's just so depressing when I talk about all that. So I’d rather refrain myself from that and probably talk about something worthwhile.
It's been a while since I haven't been thinking about only myself, how I feel and what I am and what I have been through. I am sure that you all are pretty much tired of it and I am sure you all would love to read about something else, something which would be a bit more meaningful and may be a bit useful.
I have been thinking, or should I say lately I have been in a thinking mode for more than my liking. Positive and negative all kind of thoughts and yeah I have been honest about letting them out. There were times though when I lied knowing that truth might and will hurt someone. Not a cool thing to do. I know it however I have done it a lot of times and I don’t think I will be stopping it soon. However as fate would have it, no lie is hidden forever and when it comes out it hurts more, not just the person I lied to but it hurts me as well. Honesty or being truthful hurts momentarily but a lie always leave a scar, something which is not easy to erase and once the trust is gone then it takes a lot of time to rebuild what is lost.
So, what is the point here? It's simple, like the old saying I just want to reiterate the phrase "Honesty is the best policy". I haven't been completely honest in my life, so you must be wondering why am I talking about this. Well, in a lifetime everyone gets a chance of an epiphany. You could say I have just achieved it. It’s been rather a late realization but as they say better late than never.
One of the most important virtues of life is honesty because it is one of the ways that people judge you and without it I believe our lives will not be worth what they could be. Along the way, if you think I am getting didactic, I seek your indulgence.
Honesty, while this sounds simple and easy to explain, it's surprisingly rather difficult to practice. A lot of times in my life and I assume everyone has more or less indulged in fibbing - those "innocuous" white lies - to quickly get whatever we want or just to avoid a particular situation. While doing it a lot of times, I thought it never affected anybody adversely and trust me I used to think its okay to lie sometimes. But then again comes a thought what if the same thing were to happen to me, what if someone tried to please me with a “White lie” would I be happy with it? My answer is simple, NO. For one reason, I have always told people around me to rather hurt me with the truth than to please me with a lie. My point is, if I don’t enjoy being lied to then no one would and it’s a FACT.
Everyone knows that it’s best to be honest but then why do we choose to be dishonest? I think the primary reason we choose living a dishonest life is the prospect of facing the consequences of our actions, the other significant reason being that we don't like unpleasantness, either in our lives or in the lives of those whom we care about. Noble cause perhaps but not the best one. Truth always comes out and we all know it. I am sure no one would like to be called dishonest or being judged by that.
As I said before being honest is easier said than done but there is only one way to do things right and that’s HONESTY and a million ways to do it wrong. No one can keep all of the untrue things straight and no one ever will. It’s just a lot easier and more productive, in the long run, to be honest. The best part about being honest is that there is no fear of getting caught neither is there any need of another lie to support a lie and I feel that we, as human are strong enough to handle any situation that might come out of being honest. Be strong and stay honest.
So, as the an ending note I’d leave you all with a line from a good charlotte song the truth;
“I want the truth from you
Give me the truth, even if it hurts me”.

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