Monday, 3 September 2012

PAGE 242/366: Rain, Nostalgia, Traffic Jam And A Stupid Question.

Been meaning to write something for a while but I haven’t had the time. Kind of busy with life lately and it’s a welcome change for me. I have started going out more than before and sometimes a bit too much for my liking to tell you the truth.
I had thought about writing this like 4-5 days back, but as you can see, I had been slightly occupied with things a bit more important.
I am sorry, if I kept anyone waiting, though I doubt if there is anybody eagerly waiting for my blogs. A sad truth. Who cares anyways!!!!!!
So moving on, I might probably have to go back and refresh my memory on how I want this one to be like. And remembering things is not my forte.
Will try however.
Hmmmmmmmm……. So the day started with rain.
Rain. It’s something that I never fell in love with. I like it when it rains, however just as much I wanna love it, it rather leaves me with a bit of nostalgia every time. I don’t know why it happens, but whenever it rains, everything seems so gloomy.
I was never friends with rain either. It’s always happened, whenever I wanted to enjoy it, I end up being sick.
So I stopped it, honestly I had to.
That’s when the love hate relation between rain and I started.
There is one more reason why I don’t like rain.
Nostalgia, the feeling that follows rain. Not an easy one to deal with, especially when you don’t know who and what are you exactly missing or longing for.
I always feel lonely when it rains and it’s depressing sometimes. To make everything worse, being with friends doesn’t help much either.
Strange?? I know it, but that’s me.
So, we had to go out in the rain, had some important work to do. Had to buy few stuff and send it to a cousin of mine. His order list was rather long so, it took us a long time to finish with the shopping. It took friggin 5 hours!!!!!!!!!!
But the job wasn’t done yet. This is just the halfway line.
Now we gotta send everything to my cousin through cargo. The next stop…. Airport.
Here we go…… 
Seatbelts. Check. Rearview mirror. Check. Side view mirrors. Check.

Driving en route for the airport now. Music on.
Still raining and I am still not okay, though I didn’t let anyone know about it. I am pretty good at hiding my feelings, however constantly annoyed with everything around me.
Oh… And yes, I forgot to tell you. The worst part about rainy seasons, whenever it rains here, water clogging on the roads. The result………….. Traffic jams!!!!! One of the most annoying things.
The worst thing about traffic jams. The constant honking. Yes. People here don’t have enough civility or should I say, road mannerism.
People here are a bit too trigger happy when it comes to blowing horn.
When someone honks from the back, it freaks me out. I proper hate it.
Question. To everyone addicted to horn blowing.
Will constantly honking in the traffic open the road? If yes, I would never stop doing it. But sadly, it doesn’t. Then is it really important?? I don’t think so……. And I reckon I am right on this one here.
It usually takes about an hour, but today, it took us friggin 3 and a half hours just to reach there.
3 and a half hour drive.
My back and Arse hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally at the airport.
Another hour in the airport. Sorting things out and running here and there to get the cargo done.
Everything done at the airport and on our way back home. Another hour in the car. It’s driving me insane.
While in the car and stuck in a traffic jam, it annoyed the shit out of me to see the vehicles on the other side just running freely.
Hmmmmm……. Another question. A stupid one though.
Why does it always happen, whenever stuck in a traffic jam, the opposite side of the road is always free. Why???
Did this question ever tiptoed into your mind? Deffo not worth losing sleep over, however worth giving a thought.
Rain finally stopped. Thank goodness. Now I am a bit better.
But another hour and a half inside the car!!!!!Ughhhhhhhhhhhh. Shoot me.
After like 2 hours, at last, reached home. Soooooo friggin tired, I could just lie down and sleep for 16 straight hours.
Well, today, no stories to tell, no lessons learnt, just a normal day however slightly on the annoying side. A day worth remembering though, of course as one of the most annoying days.
Really tired!!!!! So I guess I’ll just stop annoying you and leave you in peace. Till the next time we meet again, take care and stay safe. Au Revoir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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